Pau's portfolio 4
Monday, 6 June 2011
The worst experience
Thursday, 2 June 2011
Four Weddings and a funeral

A group of friends, including Charles, Fiona, and Gareth, meet at a series of weddings in
After a while, Carrie and Hamish split up, Carrie having realized she is in love with Charles - but by this time, alas, Charles is on the point of marrying someone else. As Charles remarks, "Our timing has not been great". But at the altar, someone speaks up - in sign language...
Explain and clarify a situation
Pau*: Not bad, thanks. Why do you ask?
Pau: Because you told me that you were staying in on Saturday night, but I heard that you were at a party.
Pau*: Who told you that?
Pau: Grace said that she'd seen you. How come you didn't tell me about it?
Pau*: Cause I was only there for an hour. My dad asked me to take my sister. I chatted to Paul for a while and then I left.
Pau: Are you telling me the truth, Pau*?
Pau*: Honestly, it's true! If you don't belive me, you can ask Grace.
Pau: OK, OK. I belive you. Sorry, Pau.
Pau*: That's OK.
10 new words
Tuesday, 31 May 2011
Apologize for a misunderstanding
Pau*:Yes. Is there any problem?
Pau: I'm afraid so. Did you know that this pub isn't aloud for people under 18s?
Pau*:No, I didn't.
Pau: Didn't you see the sign?
Pau*:No, I'm afraid not.
Pau: Have you been here before to drink something?
Pau*:No, that's the first time I come.
Pau:Well, if I were you, I'd look for a different place.
Pau*:OK. Sorry about that. I didn't realize.
Pau: That's OK. Remember for the next time.
Console and encourage
Pau*: Oh, I've just heard that my best friend's father has got a job in USA, and she's moving away.
Pau: Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. It isn't the end of the world though.
Pau*: I know, but I'm really going to miss her.
Pau: don't take it too badly- at least you can visit her on summer holidays. USA is really cool.
Pau*: That's true, I suppose.
Pau: Look at it this way- if he's father hadn't got the job there maybe she will be disappointed with him...
Pau*: Yeah, maybe you're right.
Pau: Cheer up! Com on- let's go to a café or something.
Pau*: OK. Thanks, Pau. I feel a bit better now.
The Royal Weeding
George V,Edward VIII,George VI,Prince Henry, Duke of Gloucester,Prince George, Duke of Kent,The Prince John,Prince Philip, The Duke of Edinburgh,Elizabeth I, Diana
Elizabeth II
Princess Diana. With Kate Middleton
In London
Prince Harry
Yes: a power point,and I did use the paper to help me.
- Were the resources relevant and attractive?
I Think that yes, the power point was very interesting, and so attractive.
- Did you look at your audience most of the time?
Not always..
- Did you read from your notes?
Maybe yes. A little.
- Did you do any gestures/movement to hold the attention of your audience?
Not any relevant one.
- Did you organize your ideas in order of importance?
Yes, I think yes.
- Did you use discourse markers to to make your ideas more clear?
- Did you introduce interesting NEW information to your audience?
Yes, I did. For example new vocabulary: "The mobile phone networks".
- Did you look up information/facts/ideas in the internet, books..?
Yes, I did. In the internet more.
- Was your information more superficial or more detailed, and original?
It was detailed.
- Did you check your grammar?(verbs, word order)
Yes I did.
- Did you use rich vocabulary looking up the dictionary?
(synonyms, new words, expressions..)
yes, something.
- Did you use sentence linkers?
(and, but, also, then ,because , however..)
- Did you use fillers?
(well, you know, for example..)
- Did you know how to pronounce all your words?
Yes, I did.
- Did you check the pronunciation with a dictionary, a classmate or the teacher?
With a classmate and a diccionary.
- Did you change your tone of voice or use a monotone tone all the time?
Not at all the time.
- Did you speed in a fluid continuum or with breaks and interruptions?
I spoke with a fluid speed and continuum but I did some breaks.
You are your teacher!
What mark did you get?