Tuesday, 1 February 2011


- Did you use any resources?
Yes: a power point,and I did use the paper to help me.
- Were the resources relevant and attractive?
I Think that yes, the power point was very interesting, and so attractive.

- Did you look at your audience most of the time?
Not always..
- Did you read from your notes?
Maybe yes. A little.
- Did you do any gestures/movement to hold the attention of your audience?
Not any relevant one.

- Did you organize your ideas in order of importance?
Yes, I think yes.
- Did you use discourse markers to to make your ideas more clear?
Yes I did use.

- Did you introduce interesting NEW information to your audience?
Yes, I did. For example new vocabulary: "The mobile phone networks".
- Did you look up information/facts/ideas in the internet, books..?
Yes, I did. In the internet more.
- Was your information more superficial or more detailed, and original?
It was detailed.

- Did you check your grammar?(verbs, word order)
Yes I did.
- Did you use rich vocabulary looking up the dictionary?
(synonyms, new words, expressions..)
yes, something.
- Did you use sentence linkers?
(and, but, also, then ,because , however..)
- Did you use fillers?
(well, you know, for example..)
- Did you know how to pronounce all your words?
Yes, I did.
- Did you check the pronunciation with a dictionary, a classmate or the teacher?
With a classmate and a diccionary.
- Did you change your tone of voice or use a monotone tone all the time?
Not at all the time.
- Did you speed in a fluid continuum or with breaks and interruptions?
I spoke with a fluid speed and continuum but I did some breaks.
You are your teacher!
What mark did you get? I think that 6 or 7.


Presentació Oral

First I’m going to talk about the different types of mobile phone networks, then I talk the history of mobile phone,x then I talk the features of mobile phones and finally the best mobiles at the moment.

-Type of mobile phone networks

The analog mobile phone network (TMA), as its name suggests, performs communication using analog voice signal.

The digital mobile phone network, where communication is done by digital signals.


Martin Cooper was a pioneer in this technology; it is considered "the father of cellular telephony" introduced the first radio telephone in 1973, the United States while he worked for Motorola;


All mobile phones have a number of features in common, but manufacturers also try to differentiate their own products by implementing additional functions to make them more attractive to consumers. This has led to great innovation in mobile phone development over the last 20 years.

-The best mobiles at the moment

This depends on each, but one of the best or is best is I ‘phone.

History of The mobile phone


-Eloi: talks about Primark shops he explained a very well oral presentation.

-Adrià: talks about the history of Coca cola. I think his pronunciation is good and he explain somethings that interested me. He made a very good oral presentation.
-Sergi: talks about the company Abercrombie & Fitch. I was very surprised that made people queue to enter the store. Good oral.
-Mios and Blanca: explain us the story of Starbucks, they pronunciation of starbucks are very bad, but is a good Oral.
-Xuni: talks about the surf. I like this Oral specially for they're photos and images in the power point.

-Eugeni: talks about Macdonald's, fast food his pronunciation is good I like this oral presentation.
-Tània: talks about the history of mini (car) her pronunciation no very well but he explained a good oral presentation.

-Guillem: talks about quads. He's very beautiful boy (is a joke) I liked very much his Oral presentation.

-Amadeu: talks about food looker I like this shop and he explained a good oral presentation.

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